Thursday, 11 June 2009

Craig Dunsmuir Photography

I feel it is necessary to warn prospective married couples looking for a photographer against using craigdunsmuir photography. The contract stipulates that the full fee should be paid up front before the wedding, which on the face of it should not be a problem. However, I am aware that after the event and on returning from honeymoon, once you have chosen the images you wish to order, it is almost impossible to communicate with Mr Dunsmuir as he refuses to answer any form of correspondence, telephone messages, etc. If you are lucky, you may receive the CD which will have his watermark on every image but are unlikely to receive your photography package, and if you do, this is likely to take in excess of 12 months. The fact that he has already banked your money holds no sway and will result in significant frustration as you will receive no answer to emails, telephone calls, voicemails, etc. The fees charged are not insignificant and definitely an amount you would not want to write off, and this is not the start you would want to married life. I am personally aware of at least five couples who have suffered from engaging him as their wedding photographer.


  1. Make that 6. Got married in March 2008 and still waiting. Can't get hold of him no matter what, and have now gone down the route of a small claim court.

  2. Interested to know how you get/ got on.... same issue.....
